Hybrid Battery Repair​

Hybrid Battery Repair​

HBR is offering High-Quality Reconditioned Hybrid Vehicle Battery Packs. We offer New and reconditioned Hybrid Battery Packs as well as a Repair Service. Furthermore, all the Packs, whether Reconditioned or Repaired, are Fully Tested with the latest Technology and the most Sophisticated High-End Equipment.

Additionally, at HBR, we use High-Tech & Sophisticated Equipment to Test, Analyze, and Recondition Hybrid Batteries. Every Battery Pack we build goes through stringent Testing and is carefully Assembled in-house.

Moreover, the HBR Team consists of highly committed Professionals who take care of everything. Consequently, this not only gives you Peace of Mind but also delivers Top-Level Results.

Why hybrid battery repairing ?


Extended Battery Life

Experience renewed hybrid performance, additionally enjoy enhanced fuel efficiency and achieve cost savings by extending the life of your hybrid battery through professional repair services.


Quality Testing

Rigorously test the repaired battery’s voltage, capacity, and overall health to ensure it meets the desired performance standards.


Diagnosis and Evaluation

Initiate the process with a comprehensive assessment of the hybrid battery’s condition, employing specialized tools to pinpoint performance issues and identify degraded cells.

How Hybrid Battery Repairing Work ?

Hybrid battery repairing refers to the process of restoring or fixing issues in the battery pack of a hybrid vehicle. In hybrid vehicles, there are typically two types of batteries: a conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) battery, and the electric battery, also known as the hybrid battery or traction battery. The electric battery provides power to the electric motor and assists the internal combustion engine to enhance fuel efficiency.

The methods used in hybrid battery repair can vary, depending on the specific problem and the type of hybrid system in the vehicle. Here’s a general overview of how hybrid battery repair works:


The initial stage of hybrid battery repair entails diagnosing the problem. This typically necessitates the use of specialized diagnostic tools and software to pinpoint issues within the battery pack, such as weak cells, capacity loss, or other faults.

Cell Replacement:

Balancing involves the crucial task of ensuring that all cells within the battery pack maintain a uniform state of charge and capacity. Imbalanced cells have the potential to decrease battery performance and even result in premature failure. The balancing process may encompass charging or discharging individual cells as required to align them with one another.


Balancing involves the crucial task of ensuring that all cells within the battery pack maintain a uniform state of charge and capacity. Imbalanced cells have the potential to decrease battery performance and even result in premature failure. The balancing process may encompass charging or discharging individual cells as required to align them with one another.


Reconditioning techniques can be employed to revitalize and enhance the performance of weakened battery cells. This process may encompass deep discharge and recharge cycles, specialized charging algorithms, or other methods designed to rejuvenate the cells.

Cooling System Inspection and Repair:

Hybrid battery packs often incorporate integrated cooling systems to regulate temperature and prevent overheating. If the cooling system malfunctions, it can result in battery degradation. Therefore, repairing or replacing components of the cooling system is a vital aspect of hybrid battery repair.

Software Calibration:

The vehicle’s onboard computer system, or hybrid control module, oversees the charging and discharging of the battery pack. Properly calibrating this software after repair is essential to ensure optimal performance and efficiency.


In situations where the battery pack is severely degraded or has numerous faulty cells, it may prove more cost-effective to replace the entire battery pack with a new one or a refurbished unit. Many manufacturers and third-party companies provide replacement battery packs for popular hybrid models.